Grade 11

Grade 11
Grade 11 Visual Arts image

AVI3M, Grade 11 Visual Arts

This course enables students to further develop their knowledge and skills in visual arts. Students will use the creative process to explore a wide range of themes through studio work that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking, as well as the creation of collage, multimedia works, and works using emerging technologies.

Courses Type: University/College Preparation Prerequisite: AVI1O, Grade 9 Visual Arts or AVI2O, Grade 10 Visual Arts
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Intro to Entrepreneurship image

BDI3C, Grade 11 Intro to Entrepreneurship

Through hands-on experiences, you will have opportunities to develop the values, traits, and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurs.

Courses Type: College Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Marketing image

BMI3C, Grade 11 Marketing

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of product marketing, which includes the marketing of goods, involvements, and events.

Courses Type: College Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspective image

CGG3O, Grade 11 Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspective

This course asks students to investigate unique environmental, sociocultural, economic, and political characteristics of selected world regions. They will explore travel patterns and trends, as well as tensions related to tourism, and will predict future tourism destinations.

Courses Type: Open Preparation Prerequisite: CGC1P , or CGC1D
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 English image

ENG3C, Grade 11 English

This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life.

Courses Type: College Preparation Prerequisite: ENG2D or ENG2P
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 English image

ENG3E, Grade 11 English

This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in the workplace and in daily life.

Courses Type: Workplace Preparation Prerequisite: ENG2P
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Designing Your Future Career image

GWL3O, Grade 11 Designing Your Future Career

This course prepares students to make successful transitions to postsecondary destinations as they investigate specific post-secondary options based on their skills, interests, and personal characteristics.

Courses Type: Open Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Food and Culture image

HFC3M, Grade 11 Food and Culture

Students will explore the origins of and developments in diverse food traditions. They will demonstrate the ability to cook with ingredients and equipment from a variety of cultures, compare food-related etiquette in many countries and cultures, and explain how Canadian food choices and traditions have been influenced by other cultures.

Courses Type: University/College Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 World Religion image

HRT3M, Grade 11 World Religion

This course enables students to discover what others believe and how they live, and to appreciate their own unique heritage.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Philosophy: The Big Questions image

HZB3M, Grade 11 Philosophy: The Big Questions

This course encourages exploration of philosophy’s big questions, such as: What is a meaningful life? What separates right from wrong? What constitutes knowledge? What makes something beautiful? What is a just society?

Courses Type: University/College Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Computer Science image

ICS3U, Grade 11 Computer Science

This course introduces students to the study of computer science and allows them to design software using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Punjabi image

LIPCU, Grade 11 Punjabi

Students will engage with the texts and analyze them through a lens that allows them to connect literature and history to real life issues, and explore how these themes can span over centuries to still be a reflection on today’s society.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: LIPBU,or Assessment Test
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Simplified Chinese image

LKBCU, Grade 11 Simplified Chinese

This course explores a broad range of themes and ideas expressed through calligraphy, short stories, food, and Chinese holidays.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: Simplified Chinese Level 2 - or equivalent
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Spanish image

LWSCU, Grade 11 Spanish

This course offers students opportunities to further develop their knowledge of Spanish and to enhance their communication skills.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: LWSBD
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Farsi (Persian) image

LYFCU, Grade 11 Farsi (Persian)

This course provides extended opportunities for students to communicate and interact in Farsi in a variety of social and academic contexts.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: LYFBD , or Assessment Test
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Health For Life image

PPZ3C, Grade 11 Health For Life

This course encourages students to examine the factors that influence their own health practices and behaviours as well as those factors that contribute to the development of healthy communities.

Courses Type: College Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Chemistry image

SCH3U, Grade 11 Chemistry

This course allows students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of the properties of chemicals and chemical bonds; chemical reactions and quantitative relationships in those reactions; solutions and solubility; and atmospheric chemistry and the behaviour of gases.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: SNC2D, Grade 10 Science
Course Outline $574
Chimie 11e année image

SCH3UF, Chimie 11e année

Ce cours permet aux élèves d’approfondir leur compréhension de la chimie par l’étude des propriétés des produits chimiques et des liaisons chimiques ; des réactions chimiques et des relations quantitatives dans ces réactions ; des solutions et de la solubilité ; et de la chimie atmosphérique et du comportement des gaz. Il est entièrement dispensé en français.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: SNC2D, Grade 10 Science
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Physics image

SPH3U, Grade 11 Physics

This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism.

Courses Type: University Preparation Prerequisite: SNC2D, Grade 10 Science
Course Outline $574
Grade 11 Healthcare Technology image

TPJ3M, Grade 11 Healthcare Technology

This course allows students to develop their understanding of basic health care procedures and safety precautions, as well as core concepts in anatomy and physiology, which will prove useful to student pursuing a career in any healthcare-related field.

Courses Type: University/College Preparation Prerequisite: None
Course Outline $574